Tuesday, April 29, 2008

final project

for my final project i cam up with an idea. This one i believe i am going to stick to. The point that i am trying to come across for my project is that colleges should require their incoming frechmen girls to take a self defense class. So for my project I plan on having a picture with a girl kicking a guy in the groin. I want to possiblly steal the picture from the t-shirt i recieved at my self defense class and it hass a barvie kicking a ken doll in the groin. I want to do somthing with dolls like this because i feel more people will pay attention to it and it will make people a lot more interested. But then i am going to have her at a party, since that is were most assaults take place, and i want it to say somthing along the lines of has your college truley prepared you for life? but i feel that may be too long of a saying. However, i plan on making my project a poster to hang up around campuses so if anyone did want to look at it they were able to. But i am afraid that may be too long of a saying, especially, if people are walking by it so i might also do a flyer or even a magazine artile may work. But i plan on making a huge poster right now. I want it to come off as serious but i also want it to ber some what humerous where girls would actually look and pay attention to it and remember it.

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