Monday, February 25, 2008

Free Writting

The themes that seem to reoccur through my essay is how land lines really do not have as much of a use anymore compared to other phone that we use today..well cell phones. The themes that surprised me was the fact that so many people have really given up in cell phones and that people in America really do not use land lines at all how they used to. I think that the themes are developed enough through my essay as this is what my paper is about to prove that land lines are really not going to be around for that much longer. I was surprised that so many people do not have land lines any more and when I sat and thought about it I realized that my family too did not use their land lines anymore. I could develop and make them broader and go into more detail about the fact that no one really uses the land lines anymore also I would like to throw in more details and stats that show the fact that they really are disappearing and losing their importance. I think that I have the examples of personal and factual information in good spots through the paper but I might want to add more information like personal stories in other parts of the paragraphs. I do not think that there really is any place that needs to have to be deleted due to repetition and I think I have the paragraphs pretty well organized I just need to expand them some more.

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