Monday, September 22, 2008

Audience and venue for op-ed

For my op-ed piece i have decided on the audience and the venue that i am going to use. For my audience i am going trying to direct my op-ed toward women. My topic is about gender in this election. Primarily being a women in this election because this is being has become such a huge deal and is being talked about all the time. Also, people are twisting words and trying to use them against the candidates for being offensive toward women. This includes both the democrates and the republicans. Then for the venue i am going to use cosmopolitan or vogue. In my group we debated this because who would take my article serious in these magazines. However, there are always wonderful articles in these magazines and I am sure that more women probably read these more then the new york times and such things as that. Also, I may even reach women that may not have had an interest the election. I do believe that this is a good place to put this information because in an election a huge part of the voters are people who are new or just do not think about voting. Hopefully, reading things like this will prob make women want to start woting or thinking about voting in the election.

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