Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sample Argument

For my sample argument I chose to use a chik fil a cow. I thought this was a good sample for the arguments because it fits into many of the argument categories. It argued for you to make a decision because it is now arguing with you to make a decision to come and eat chicken at chick fil a instead of going out and eating cow at another fast food place or restaurant. Also, the stuffed animal atempts to convince you to choose chick fil a for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or whatever meal or snack you are looking for. Also, it is to inform you of chick fil a and its existance in general. Now for the time that this could take place within the argument is the present because it can argue for you to eat now. The future because you can decide that later you would rather have chick fil a, and also in the past because this could make you argue with your self or someone else about why you did not choose to eat at chick fil a and instead for eating at another restaurant. So once again to verify my point, my stuffed animal chick fil a is an excellent piece of evidence to prove there is arguement every where.

1 comment:

Courtney J said...

I loved you idea of the chic-fil-a ad. That's something that most of us see everyday, but I never would have thought of it! That's an ad that has such a strong argument in it. Those cows make no qualms about trying to get people to eat more chicken. Good job!